Your health and well-being is our top priority.
Here is a list of the things we are doing to keep you and our employees safe.
As a non-COVID facility, you must pass a screening questionnaire for entry.
A properly worn mask is mandatory for all employees and patients.
As always, equipment is always disinfected before each patient.
Exam rooms and testing rooms will be disinfected between patients.
Frames will be cleaned and disinfected after they are tried on.
Doors will be locked to control patient capacity and flow through the office. When you arrive for your scheduled appointment, please call us and we will let you in.
You will be required to sanitize your hands when you arrive.
To keep you safe, our doctors and employees are constantly washing their hands, sanitizing and wearing gloves when required.
We adhere to social distancing and when testing requires less than 2 meters protective shields will be in place.
At this time we unfortunately need to request as little talking as possible with the exception of discussions involving your eyes and health.
Following the exam you will be escorted to the optical and an optical team member will assist you with your frame and lens selections, appointments and other eye care needs.
Check out will be simple and we will bring the debit/credit card machine to you or we will bill your provider when applicable.
We will be seeing patients by appointment only, including optical and eye product purchases. We continue to offer curbside pickup when requested.
We now offer telemedicine consultations for our more vulnerable patients to keep them safe. Please ask our clinical team for details.
We look forward to seeing you and are working hard to keep you safe.
Please know that behind our masks we have a great big smile and are truly grateful to assist you.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 519-252-5556, Bellemore Optometry and 519-478-0418, Eyes on Tecumseh.